Best of 2022

These are my six favorite posts of the year. They inspired meaningful conversations, and that's what I value most about writing here. Thank you.

About consulting:

Credit for success belongs to my clients, and blame for failures belongs to me
What I’ve learned in 15 years of consulting: “Remain unmoved by praise or blame.”
How I learned to speak about changes when 19 out of 20 people would rather I shut the hell up
Nobody wants to hear it from the consultant.

About continuous improvement:

It’s a lousy time to be a good idea
“We send our hypotheses ahead, an expendable army, and watch them fall.”
Some things—like pancakes—you pretty much have to finish once you start them
Would you rather have five half-cooked pancakes or two good ones?

About facilitation:

How to make any meeting better with 3 simple fenceposts
Identify a purpose, rational aim, and experiential aim. It only takes a few moments and can have a huge effect.
End your meetings with this short, powerful question
“What did you notice?”