Lee’s Law: a URL for every idea

“Every idea should have a URL, bonus points if one does not have to make the URL oneself.”

Lee’s Law: a URL for every idea
Photo by Torbjørn Helgesen / Unsplash

I’m a digital pack rat. So is my friend Lee. We studied human-computer interaction in grad school back in the day; the entire program was a warm, nutrient-rich incubator for nourishing little digital pack rats. Well, we were talking and uncovered a new rule.

I give you Lee’s Law:

“Every idea should have a URL, bonus points if one does not have to make the URL oneself.”

Here are three sites that satisfy Lee’s Law. Three different bodies of work from three distinct perspectives. What makes them awesome is this: they provide just enough information to make each idea useful. Find the page you need and use it yourself. Or share it with somebody. Try presenting directly from the page.

Bookmark these and come back to them at least once, and—congratulations—you're a digital pack rat too. One of us!

  1. Liberating Structures
    Facilitation approach and methods. Indispensable. If I could only keep 5 web sites this would be one of them.
  2. 18F Methods
    Methods gallery for human-centered product or experience design. I've run entire projects straight out of this playbook.
  3. Laws of UX
    For those times when you remember what the thing is, but not what it's called.