Best of 2023

Six favorite posts from the year. They started meaningful conversations & helped keep us all connected. That’s what I value about writing here. All that to say: thank you.

On beginning new projects:

The jewel of resistance
Resistance to change is precious. Here’s how to make the most of it.
Premortem: before starting a new project, learn why it will end in failure
A simple method for uncovering big, “undiscussable” risks to a project.

“That’s the rate it happens.” On timing & speed:

Open space technology, principle 3: “Whenever it starts is the right time”
Each moment prefigures the next. But in certain moments, a huge change can begin.
On speeding things up
What I’ve learned from the hourglass and the snake.

Personal reflections:

The world of silence: marking Disability Pride Month
Being a hearing-impaired person whose job is to listen. Quiet, noise, and rest.
23 reasons to write online
Write to dispel the curse of knowledge, to find your people, and to become.

Want more? See my Best of 2022.